JÓN Magazine is a specialist mens title based in London, UK. Printed quarterly, JÓN is a premium title featuring the best in original mens photography.
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Front Cover JARED PADALECKI by Leigh Keily
Flip Cover XAVIER SERRANO by Eddie Blagbrough
JÓN Issue 33- The 'GET' issue. We managed to push and scrape our way through another year, one way or another - and have gone back to our grass roots for JON’s Winter issue, the “GET” issue. Jump in the ring with star of the new Walker Texas Ranger series, Jared Padalecki, who we also remember from his other good guy roles on Supernatural and Gilmore Girls. Jared joins us for a farmland shoot in Texas, and back in Los Angeles we meet Chibuikiem Uche and Mason Gooding (who is in the new Scream 5!), for spectacular fashion stories and interviews to boot.
While the rest of the world is still wrestling with outbreaks and scandals, we’re settling back with a cuppa Joe and some Popeyes chicken, snuggling up by a fire and ready our fave JON stories, in the spectacular new “GET” issue.
Grab your copy now, its the perfect gift to yourself of some other chic friend who needs some gorgeous coffee table character, or tote bag treasure.
JÓN magazine is a premium, 300 page black and white print magazine available online and at select news-stands around the world. We feature celeb interviews and shoots, fashion stories, illustrations, columns, collage and art, all bound beautifully into a stunning book. Be part of the JÓN family, get your copy today.
FREE shipping to the UK, and £10 to the rest of the world!
For our fans in the USA, JÓN costs around $25 including the postage - a bargain to be the envy of all your mates!
See the whole JARED PADALECKI shoot, and read the full interview, only in the print issue of JÓN.
JÓN magazine is a premium, 250 page black and white print magazine available online and at select news-stands around the world. We feature celeb interviews and shoots, fashion stories, illustrations, columns, collage and art, all bound beautifully into a stunning book. Be part of the JÓN family, get your copy today.