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Panther House, 38 Mount Pleasant
London, WC1X 0AN

JÓN Magazine is an epic, specialist mens fashion print magazine... with excellent taste. Printed quarterly in London, UK. 


JÓN Issue 15- The 'OLD' issue

FREE shipping to the UK, and £7 to the rest of the world! 


-You never ask a woman her age-

Get ready for our supercharged, amped up, 240+ page mammoth winter issue!

It's on for young and OLD. This issue we have exclusive, extended features with Younger star and creator of 'The Love Bomb' web series Nico Tortorella, and vlogger, designer and all around nice guy Connor Franta, both shot and interviewed in Brooklyn. Over the Atlantic, we met the handsome Channel Five newsreader Matt Barbet for a chat about cycling, and old stuff, of course.

And if that's not enough of a sell, there are hundreds of pages of attractive men wearing beautiful clothes... as usual.

"I had a dream that we were old... but I mean like really, really old.." 

JÓN issue 15 is jammed full of beautiful mens fashion editorials, from our amazing photographers Brent Chua, Riley Stewart, Lee Robbins, Tom Buck, B Charles Johnson, Joseph Wolfgang Ohlert, Josh Cauldwell, Taylor Hall O'Brien, Richard Gerst and Menelik Puryear, as well as JÓN editors Leigh Keily and Stephen Conway.

JÓN has a limited release and sells out exceptionally fast - don't miss out! Order your copy here.