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Panther House, 38 Mount Pleasant
London, WC1X 0AN

JÓN Magazine is an epic, specialist mens fashion print magazine... with excellent taste. Printed quarterly in London, UK. 


JÓN Issue 17- The 'SPF' issue


-Burn BABY Burn-

Get ready for our GIGANTIC, even more fabulous , 292 page
mammoth summer issue!

Our new SPF issue is out now and it's jam-packed with gorgoues men and new exclusive interviews, obvs! Inside this issue we went down Santee Alley with Riverdale superstar KJ Apa in a delightful 22 page exclusive story, and KJ's first ever cover! We are totes excited.

We cruised around LA in vintage cars with super singer Sam Sparro. If that isn't enough we have a super hot poolside shoot with the ridiculously good looking American model Nic Palladino. This summer issue is definitely not one you want to miss! 

And of course,  hundreds of pages of attractive men wearing beautiful clothes... as usual.

FREE shipping to the UK, and £7 to the rest of the world! 

"Like, you know, whatever.." 

JÓN issue 17 is jammed full of insanely gorgeous fashion editorials, from our amazing photographers Samuel Ramirez, Michael Kai Young, Brent Chua, Tom Buck, Eddie Blagbrough, B Charles Johnson, Joseph Wolfgang Ohlert, as well as JÓN editors Leigh Keily and Stephen Conway.

JÓN has a limited release and sells out exceptionally fast - don't miss out! Order your copy today!