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Panther House, 38 Mount Pleasant
London, WC1X 0AN

JÓN Magazine is an epic, specialist mens fashion print magazine... with excellent taste. Printed quarterly in London, UK. 


JÓN Issue 29- The 'LOG' issue

“ Get Choppin’…”

Winter sets in, so we’ve brought you another gorgeous little treat to survive the long, cold, lonely nights. It’s the new JON, the LOG issue, featuring Netflix’s Big Mouth creator Nick Kroll, Death on the Nile’s Tom Bateman, the charming star of the years most talked about sequel, Jermaine Fowler from Coming 2 America, and super hot singer/songwriter Alex Lewis, alongside other pretty faces Hunter Sansone, Harry Lawtley and Scott Tweedie!

FREE shipping to the UK, and £7 to the rest of the world!

For our fans in the USA, JÓN costs around $25 including the postage - a bargain to be the envy of all your mates!

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We’ve got so many interviews, JON will spend more time in your hands and less on the coffee table.

All your friends are gonna go wild when they see it on your coffee table, though. Or strategically placed in the background of a zoom call.

The real problem is, which cover are you going to buy?

Don’t miss out, we have such limited stock available and it sells REAL FAST!


JÓN Issue 29 is moody, like a walk through the woods when you’re in a bad mood. We’re dark and mysterious, smokey and sexy. We’ve got gorgeous editorials shot in Los Angeles and London, and fashion editorials from around the world. We’ve got articles, columns and sassy side remarks. We’ve got everything you’re looking for this winter. Choose your cover and grab your copy.

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JÓN has a limited release and is available in limited stores or online - the same price including postage in either place.