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Panther House, 38 Mount Pleasant
London, WC1X 0AN

JÓN Magazine is an epic, specialist mens fashion print magazine... with excellent taste. Printed quarterly in London, UK. 

JON 31 | 'FIT' ISSUE *Pre-Order*

JÓN Issue 31 *PRE-Order*
The 'FIT' issue

“ Oh, that’s right FIT, that is.”


Summer is nearly upon us, and the brand new, biggest ever issue of JÓN is about to launch. We’re pre-releasing just 100 copies of the new issue of JÓN with the Tom Ellis cover, so bag your collectors issue now. The issue officially launches on 11th June, with FIVE other amazing covers. For now, secure your issue and order below.

FREE shipping to the UK, and £7 to the rest of the world!

For our fans in the USA, JÓN costs around $25 including the postage - a bargain to be the envy of all your mates!


See the whole shoot, and read the full interview, only in the print issue of JÓN.

JÓN magazine is a premium, 300 page black and white print magazine available online and at select news-stands around the world. We feature celeb interviews and shoots, fashion stories, illustrations, columns, collage and art, all bound beautifully into a stunning book. Be part of the JÓN family, get your copy today.

For our other cover celebs and features in our HUGE summer issue,
check back soon!

JÓN Issue 31, for summer 2021 is beyond anything we’ve made before. You need this for your coffee table. Its our biggest ever. Three hundred pages. Multiple epic celebrities. Interesting new talent, hot guys. Insanely gorgeous fashion stories, and heaps of them, by our regular photographers and some new ones. You need this on your coffee table.

JÓN has a limited release and is available in limited stores or online - the same price including postage in either place.