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Panther House, 38 Mount Pleasant
London, WC1X 0AN

JÓN Magazine is an epic, specialist mens fashion print magazine... with excellent taste. Printed quarterly in London, UK. 

**NEW** JON 23 | 'FUN' ISSUE

JÓN Issue 23- The 'FUN' issue

“I wanna have some FUN. Lisa, gimme the bag”

With our world in chaos, someone needs to bring a bit of FUN into the world. Might as well be us. The new JÓN is here, fun times.

- “If you're not having fun, it's your own fault." -

We’re just having too much fun this spring, sorry not sorry. Once again JÓN is out and upon the world, in a land of fewer and fewer magazines we are still here, and still LOLLing, at least quietly to ourselves.

This issue we met the stupidly handsome and very cool Gavin Leatherwood from The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, which has re-exploded onto our TV’s this Spring and we couldn’t be more delighted. Gavin comes round and gets in our swimming pool, just wait till you see the photos. As always with JÓN, we only release a few online and you’ll have to get your hands on a copy to see Gavin’s shoot in all its beauty. We also met the super charming Aussie Ben Lawson from 13 Reasons Why and The Good Place, to drinks some coffee and eat some Aussie vegemite!

Don’t miss this beautiful issue, out now.

FREE shipping to the UK, and £7 to the rest of the world! 
For our fans in the USA, JÓN costs around $20 including the postage - a bargain to be the envy of all your mates!


As usual, JÓN is a limited edition collectors piece magazine, printed in London and available at only the most select of retailers worldwide. You can order right here, with shipping to the whole world. Get your issue of JÓN today, and have a gorgeous book to tote around this Spring, show off to friends, and make your coffee table the envy of your mates.

Don’t miss out, we have such limited stock available and it sells REAL FAST!

JÓN Issue 23 is massive, overflowing with awesome content from around the world. Grab your copy to see epic shoots by brilliant photographers and stylists from the UK, USA, Europe and beyond. Check out our stories by JÓN editors Leigh Keily and Stephen Conway and the worldwide team of contributors including David Suarez, Eddie Blagbrough, Justin Chen, Samuel Ramirez, Bernard Gueit, Esa Kapila, Henry Wu, Lester Villarama, Patrick Lacsina, Brent Chua, and B. Charles Johnson.

JÓN has a limited release and is available in limited stores on online - the same price including postage in either place.